
一切粗鄙和肮脏都属于我,请将荣光赠予他们。 ​


[wholock] just a moment


"Oh my godness, the solar system is really boring. Why I come out with you? oh right, you said this will be qoute fantastic unqoute, DOCTOR."
"Shut up, Sherlock."
"BORED, BORED, BORED." Sherlock put out gun, and was ready to shoot something to relax himself. However, which is the worst thing, he really meant to carry it out.
"Oh, god."
Then, suddenly, without a sign, a kiss just happen.

"What?" Sherlock frozen a while, then started to talk.
"What what?"
"What the purpose of this behavior? That is not interesting, even not better than a boring joke."
"I know. Just want to shut you up...umm, guess it is not working. I see...not working? Why not working? Every time I do this, Rory will shut up."
Sherlock looked Doctor like he is an alien, which, in this case, he is. He spoke impatiently, even though he was trying to be nice because the person in front of him who is not a human being and definitely does not have any common sense.
"Oh, because you are stupid. There is no such research indicating a human being, or an alien, kisses another human being will shut him up. Come on, what kind of Doctor you are? In meaningless aspect? I am doubting you right now. I though you were interesting, but you are not."
"I! AM!"
"No, you are not."
"I have THE blue box. It is bigger inside than outside!"
"And I have a short friend and a coat. Shut up. Alien. You are boring. Period."

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